Comic Book Series

The question into the development of a superhero youth program came very quickly, “How will children remember this character or have a way to take this knowledge home with them?”

Fortunately enough for our organization, it is based around a superhero character by the name of Captain Encouragement and we have a lot of superhero themed inspiration all around us! The one that stood out the most was of course, A COMIC BOOK!

Most stories of heroes originate on paper, being told panel by panel, taking the reader deeper into the story with every page that is turned. What if these pages intrigued readers while also teaching leadership, kindness, teamwork and other major life skills. We knew that it was a perfect match and this led us to create an action-packed series that would take students through villain showdowns led by none other than, Captain Encouragement!

Shortly into our 2nd school season of events, we began to see the impact that our comic books were having on students. Children in the audience recalling what had happened in the stories, they called on the basic principles of the message and some even treasured our comics so much that they posted it on their wall to stay in their room, as a prized possession!

The schools that ordered the comic books for their students made it accessible for an entire community of students to share a message and the changes were extremely noticeable!

To order comic books for your child, class, school or organization, click the link below!




Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. Captain Encouragement is a project of Call to Inspire, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Website by BGAmedia